AdaPT News

Closing seminar of the project AdaptForChange
December 13, 2016
The closing seminar of the AdaptForChange project was held at the CineTeatro Marques Duque in Mértola. The results of the project were presented and discussed and the commitment to implement the Adaptation Plan was signed.
For more information visit:

Final seminar of the project ClimAdaPT.Local
December 09, 2016
The final seminar of the ClimAdaPT.Local project was held in the Auditorium of the University of Coimbra. The mission, products and impact of the project were presented and the network of municipalities for Adaptation to Climate Change was formalized.
For more information visit:

Final seminar of the project AC: T
December 06, 2016
The closing seminar of the AC:T project was held at the LNEC Congress Center in Lisbon. Main results were presented, such as the method of assessing vulnerability to climate change, its implementation and the Decision Support Tool - Hotel Adaptation Tracker.
For more information visit:

Final seminar of the project GestAqua.AdaPT
October 24, 2016
The final seminar of GestAqua.AdaPT project was held in Évora, in the auditorium of CCDR Alentejo, with the objectives of presenting the project's developments and promoting the discussion on the management of water resources in Alentejo.
For more information visit:

Bilateral Cooperation Initiatives approved
June 20, 2016
Under the Regulation for application of expenses related to Bilateral Cooperation Initiatives were received in May / June 3 applications, which were approved:
Participation on the conference "Visualizing Sustainability: Imagined Futures" (June 2016)
Development of educational contents for teaching of climate change in icelandic schools (June-December 2016)
Participation of experts from Norway in the Regional Workshops and in the Final Conference of ClimAdaPT.Local project (June and October 2016)
For more details, please check the following page.

School awards "Climate Change" ceremony
March 02, 2016
On March 2 took place in the noble amphitheatre of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto the School Awards “Climate Change” ceremony, under the project "Clima@EduMedia – Alterações Climáticas: aprender através dos media escolares“.
The Clima@EduMedia project considers the allocation of 3 prizes for implementation of winning mitigation and adaptation in schools:
Category A - Adaptation: 30,000 euros
Category B - Mitigation: 30,000 euros
Category C - Climate change (mitigation and adaptation): 40,000 euros
21 projects from 14 schools from North to South Portugal contributed to this contest. The proposals were evaluated by a jury composed by members of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto, the Portuguese Environment Agency and the General Directorate of Education, as defined in the competition rules.
The winners of the school contest "Climate Change" were the following:
Category A – Adaptation
School: Agrupamento de Escolas da Lourinhã- Escola Secundária Dr. João Manuel da Costa Delgado
Name of the project: A água – um recurso renovável na Escola
Category B – Mitigation
School: escolaglobal® Getting Greener (eGG)
Name of the project: escolaglobal® - Colégio das Terras de Santa Maria
Category C – Mitigation and Adaptation
Escola: Agrupamento de Escolas de Vendas Novas
Name of the project: Atuar hoje, pelo futuro
Two honourable mentions were also awarded to the following proposals:
Category B – Mitigation
School: Agrupamento de Escolas da Lourinhã - Escola Secundária Dr. João Manuel da Costa Delgado
Name of the project: Produção de energia fotovoltaica e Eficiência energética na Escola
Category C – Mitigation and Adaptation
School: Escola Secundária Engº Acácio Calazans Duarte / Agrupamento de Escolas Marinha Grande Poente
Name of the project: Medidas de Adaptação e de Mitigação das Alterações Climáticas na minha escola
See here the ceremony program.
For more information visit:

Side event on the AdaPT program at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21 - Paris)
December 11, 2015
On December 11 was held the side event on the ADAPT program at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, which was attended by the Secretary of State for the Environment, Carlos Martins.
The Secretary of State highlighted the importance of adaptation to climate change, particularly when climate change is likely to have adverse impacts and how the ADAPT program came to help Portugal in this respect.
The President of the Management Board of APA, Nuno Lacasta, presented the experience of Portugal in the use of EEA Grants funds to start the implementation of adaptation projects in Portugal and made a very positive evaluation of the initiative, stressing the impact of larger projects financed under the program.
Both emphasize the role of cooperation and sharing of experiences between national institutions in this regard, but also fruitful role of the EEA Grants in promoting such cooperation.
Madalena Lucas, focal point for the EEA Grants in Portugal, highlighted the importance of the mechanism of bilateral cooperation and support to ongoing programs and presented the context and structure under which operates the EEA Grants.
Representing the ClimAdapt.Local project, the largest in the ADAPT program design, Prof. Filipe Duarte Santos focused on integrating adaptation and planning at the municipal level, aimed at training municipal technicians in adaptation and production of local adaptation strategies, a crucial aspect for Portugal in this area.
The event was well received by the audience, which encourages further work in this area. There was a great interest of some developing countries in the initiative, which confirms that adaptation to climate change is a concern worldwide.
See the documents:

Public session of disclosure of the projects
September 15, 2015
On September 16 took place in the auditorium of the Public Session MAOTE disclosure of Projects funded under the ADAPT program.
The ADAPT program was developed under the coordination of the National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change (ENAAC), it is in charge of APA and is funded by the EEA Grants (85%) and the Portuguese Carbon Fund (15%).
Aiming to enhance the capacity to assess vulnerability to climate change and raise awareness and education on climate change, these projects, which are now being developed by the promoters - academia and technical institutions, business and national and local public administration - benefit from an aggregate budget of over EUR 3.5 million.
Their selection was carried out by expert evaluators from various entities of public administration and by a Selection Committee, constituted by the APA as manager of the ADAPT and the Civil Protection Authority of Norway (DSB), a partner of the program.
Access the presentations here:
Session presentation of projects (APA);
Climate portal: climate change in Portugal (Ricardo Deus, IPMA);
ClimAdapt.Local: Municipal strategies for adaptation to climate change (Gil Penha-Lopes, Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa);
Clima@EduMedia: Climate change - learning trhough the school average (José Azevedo, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto);
SOWAMO: Sowing water in the Serra de Monchique (Tiago Carvalho, Terra, Ambiente e Recursos Hídricos, Lda);
GestAqua.AdaPT: Adapting to climate change in reservoir management strategy in Alentejo (Paulo Diogo, Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT);
adaptIS: Collaborative platform for the adoption of mesures for adaptation to climate change in industry and services (Armando Silva Afonso, Instituto de Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico em Ciências da Construção);
AdaptForChange: Improve the success of reforestation in semi-arid areas: adaptation to climate change scenario (Cristina Branquinho, Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa);
AC:T: Method for integration adaptation to climate change in the tourism sector (Armando Pinto, Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, I.P.).

Presentation of AdaptForChange project
June 23, 2015
On June 24 took place in Lisbon, in the amphitheater of FFCUL Foundation, an international workshop that took place the presentation of AdaptForChange-Improving project success of reforestation in semi-arid areas: adaptation to climate change scenario.
For more information contact cmbranquinho@fc.ul.pt.

Opening seminary AC:T project
June 03, 2015
On June 4 took place in Lisbon, in the center of Congresses of LNEC, the launch of the AC:T project - method for integrating adaptation to climate change in the tourism sector. The opening seminar tackled the presentation of the project, the concerns of the National Adaptation Strategy on Climate Change and the presentation of the strategy in the energy efficiency of buildings.

Public presentation session SOWAMO project
May 21, 2015

Bilateral cooperation
March 31, 2015
The application of the Foundation of the Faculty of Science, University of Lisbon for the exchange visit to Oslo, Norway in integrating best practices in adaptation at the local level and experience with climate scenarios was approved.

Contest "Sector projects for adaptation to climate change"
January 27, 2015
On January 27th the APA published among the five candidates selected projects for funding:
GestAqua.AdaPT - Adapting to climate change in reservoir management strategy in Alentejo, the NOVA.ID.FCT promoter - Association for Innovation and Development of the FCT
SOWAMO - Sow Water in Monchique Mountains, the TARH promoter - Land, Environment and Water Resources, Lda.
adaptIS - collaborative platform for the adoption of measures for adaptation to climate change in industry and services, the ITeCons-Institute for Research and Technological Development promoter of Science in Construction
AdaptForChange - Improve the success of reforestation in semi-arid areas: adaptation to climate change scenario, the promoter Foundation of the Faculty of Science, University of Lisbon
AC:T - Method for integrating adaptation to climate change in the tourism sector, promoter National Civil Engineering Laboratory, I.P.

Provisional evaluation report on the tender projects "sectoral projects of adaptation to climate change"
January 27, 2015
On January 27th the APA published among the candidates the interim evaluation report of the project and submitted the report to a prior hearing for ten days.
This report was also available to the public on the APA website on the "Sector Projects".

Launch seminar of the project ClimAdaPT.Local
January 15, 2015
On January 15 took place in the rectory of the great hall of the University of Lisbon the launch of the Adaptation Municipal ClimAdaPT.Local - Strategies to Climate Change project. In addition to the presentation of the project this event addressed the National and European experiences in local adaptation to climate change, and signed the partnership agreement between the project team and the beneficiary authorities.

Kick-off of the projectClima@EduMedia
December 09, 2014
On December 9 took place at the Faculty of Arts, University of Porto, the launch of the Education Project and prize Climate Change: Climate Climate @ EduMedia-Changes: Learning through the School Ages. The kick-off approached the project presentation, the presentation of "Media School" as well as the schedule of discussion and project work plan.
For more information contact here.

Predefined project "Site climate change"
October 05, 2014
The project "Site climate change" began formally on 6 October with the signing of the contract between the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) and the Portuguese Environment Agency.