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Sectoral projects - adaptIS

Collaborative platform for the adoption of measures for adaptation to climate change in industry and services

Promoter: ITeCons (Institute for Research and Technological Development in Construction Sciences)


Partner: ANQIP (National Association for Quality in Building Installations)


Project budget: 79,671.40 euros (funded at the rate of 100%)


Start: April 28, 2015

End: April 30, 2016


Project summary:


At a time when the economy and climate change pose new challenges to the productive sector, this application features an innovative design in fostering a collaborative platform for the adoption of measures for adaptation to climate change in industry and services.


Notwithstanding the effort that has been made by the scientific community and the authorities in defining adaptation strategies to climate change, the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on the subject (IPCC) continues to place Portugal as one of the most vulnerable countries to the European scale . It is important, however, recognize that it is a broad-spectrum issue that requires strong coordination skills, without which you can not interfere with the territorial scope and sector desirable.


In this context, the grant proposes a multi-sectoral platform to arouse the business community to the need to assess risks and vulnerabilities associated with extreme weather events and consequent adoption of adaptation measures. Through a voluntary and non-discriminatory participation of undertakings, the scientific and technological system entities, industry associations, central and local government entities, among others, you can build a network of knowledge and experience to promote the diagnosis and the subsequent adoption of measures adaptation to climate change in the industrial and services sector as well as the dissemination of good practices.


In a coordinated effort, the promoter and partner of this application involved will be in diagnostic actions in the development of tools for risk assessment and to support the establishment of measures to adapt to climate change related to their areas of competence, particularly the resilient structures and infrastructure, energy and water efficiency, indoor air quality and comfort, building perspective and its surroundings. The systematization of cases of emblematic study should also pique the interest of others and provide the desired replicator effect on other sectors.


Constituting itself as a vehicle for cooperation between enterprises and organizations of scientific and technological system, licensing and regulatory, it is intended that this platform will serve as a factor aggregator and disseminator of knowledge on adaptation to climate change in industry and services.

For further information about the project please see here or contact through the e-mail.

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